The ballad of souls

Photo: Ioana

‘Excuse me, you are blocking our way’. A clear, soft, voice rang. The melodious childishness couldn’t hide the calm confidence. Piova and a bunch of fellow first-years were making for their breakfast tables when they found this person straggling in front of them. The young man slowly turned on the spot. He eyed Piova for a long second before stepping aside and making a wave-through gesture. ‘After you, your highness, he said the moment she was level with him. It wasn’t cynicism, the voice was riddled with mischief. Piova stopped dead on her track. She gave a little sigh to command all her resolve before turning face-on with him. ‘Oh, you can do sarcasm! That’s nice’, again rang the clear, soft, voice. Then she made way to the Slytherin table in her confident, unhurried steps.

The hushed mumbles across the Great Hall started to become more audible. Students were craning to get a look at Piova. No one had ever talked to Suruj like that. ‘Nice girl, I like her’, he was saying to a classmate at his Hufflepuff table. Izarra mocked an expression of fear, ‘Oh dear, that can’t be good for her’. He broke into one of his rapturous laughter before choking it after noticing the contemptuous glare from Professor McGonagall. There wasn’t anything sinister or fearsome about him. But he had this aura of unbridled, almost primal, wildness, that most of the students gave him a wide berth.

It was a late September afternoon. Among the ruins around the castle, Piova was soaking the warmth while going through her lessons. ‘Ah, solitude and quietness, the quintessential elixirs of the brilliant and the mischievous’, boomed Suruj as he dropped right next to Piova and threw a hand over her shoulder. ‘Then you are certainly not staking any claim on brilliance’, Piova said softly with a small, hearty, smile. The serenity of the afternoon was shattered by the familiar rapturous laughter. ‘Eh, you study too hard,’ he said, as he closed the book over her mild protest; ‘enjoy all these,’ he made a vague gesture across everything in front of him.

They sat quietly for some time before Piova spoke. ‘You know, you could have done better in your OWL exams’. Suruj gave her a slightly surprised look, although he was really surprised. It wasn’t how she could have known, but rather why a first-year would be interested in his OWL scores. But if anything, his voice showed the usual nonchalance, ‘Well, I got 10 OWLs, didn’t I’ as he kept gazing at the sky. ‘But not a single O’ whispered Piova, her eyes blankly scanning the Forbidden Forest. ‘Hey, have you been spying on me’, he was almost dozing off. ‘Yes, I broke into the Ministry of Magic’ came a mumbled reply. Both broke into a soft chuckle.

Photo: Ioana

By the beginning of December, it wasn’t just the winter that was really biting in, the studies and exams were weighing in as well. A general aura of grumpiness hung thick all over Hogwarts. ‘Ah, stealing books from the library, how wonderful’, the mirth of the voice made several students shriek. Suruj wrestled away the pile of books Piova was laboring with. Her face lit up a little as she thanked him. He simply made a dismissive gesture with his free hand. ‘Now we have to hide them fast, I know an excellent place behind Hagrid’s cabin’, the joyous voice continued as they started to walk along. ‘My dormitory would do just fine,’ Piova said softly. Suruj stopped and gave her a look of utter reverence, ‘Where no one will think about looking, wicked’, the shrieking voice made two students coming from opposite direction stop dead on their tracks.

As they made their way to the Slytherin dormitory the occasional laughs, howls, and shrieks kept reverberating around the castle.

‘I met the most wonderful person ever,’ Piova’s voice had the unusual tinge of exuberance. She had returned from her holidays. Suruj mocked an expression of being overwhelmed. ‘It’s alright, I know I’m awesome,’ he said in mock humility. For a moment it looked like she will actually burst into laughter before her usual restraint kicked in. But it was still a joyful voice when she continued, ‘It was Mrs. Wesley.’ ‘Oh yeah, she is awesome too.’ He continued ‘She reminds me of hays’. ‘Hays?’ Piova gave her most perplexed face. ‘Yeah, you know; smells sweet, feels warm, makes you wish to be there all your life.’ Piova didn’t say anything but her beaming face told that she feels pretty much like that too.

Photo: Ioana

Spring was in full glory with all its fragrance, brightness, splashes, and melodies. But no student at Hogwarts had the time to dwell on those. It was past midday and Piova was buried in her studies at the library. She barely managed a faint gleam when Suruj walked up to her table. ‘We need to talk’ he had an unusually serious face. ‘It’s urgent’ he added as he nodded to the door. There was a gentle murmur among the other students as they walked towards the door. ‘What is it’ Piova inquired as they stopped at a secluded place along the corridor. ‘Your lunch’ he said as he handed a sandwich, now struggling to maintain the somber face.

Piova’s expression had a curious mix of exasperation and delight. She started to eat slowly, occasionally washing it down with the pumpkin juice he also presented. She took a last swig of the juice and handed over the empty flask, but before she could say anything there was an apple twirling in front of her. She smiled and obediently sunk into it. Finally, the apple was finished too. She wanted to say something, little things; but she found her composure inadequate for the situation. ‘You don’t want me to bring your dinner too, do you?’ Piova broke into a soft chuckle, ‘No, I will be there, I promise’ then she added ‘and take care of yourself.’ Suruj made a haughty gesture and started to walk away.
